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Ukrainian TV available online

Posted by svitlana вмикнути 20 Sep'07 05:32 JST
JumpTV offers 3 best local channels live providing coverage to the parliamentary election campaign 2007 in Ukraine: TV5, Inter+, 1+1 International

DUBAI, September 19th, 2007 - JumpTV Inc. (www.jumptv.com (external link)), the world's leading broadcaster of ethnic television over the Internet, offers coverage of the early parliamentary elections campaign in Ukraine over its Internet television platform.
JumpTV provides a great opportunity for Ukrainian diaspora to witness all the details of the rigid struggle for power and influence in the state that has recently celebrated its 16th anniversary of Independence.

A short story

The campaign for Ukraine's early parliamentary elections has officially begun, giving candidates 60 days to present their bids before elections on September 30. The early elections are aimed at solving a bitter power struggle between western-leaning President Viktor Yushchenko and pro-Moscow Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych.
The dispute was sparked by Yushchenko's decision to dissolve parliament, taken in response to what Yushchenko said was an attempt by Yanukovych's parliamentary majority to usurp power. The major political parties have already held conventions to approve their manifestos and candidates for the polls.
The main contenders in this year's preterm elections are the same as those in the regular parliamentary elections in March 2006: the Party of Regions, the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc, the Our Ukraine-People's Self-Defense? bloc, the Socialist Party, and the Communist Party. The only difference is that the Our Ukraine-People's Self-Defense? bloc was just Our Ukraine last year, without the People's Self-Defense? component later created by former Interior Minister Yuriy Lutsenko.

Our channel partners

JumpTV in this respect is providing with the best and regular coverage of the election campaign and all the details of the latest.
The 3 best local TV channels are available live on our internet platform: TV5, Inter+ and 1+1 International.
TV 5 is the first Ukrainian multiregional information channel. With TV 5, viewers have the ability to obtain objective information regarding important current events in Ukraine as well as the rest of the world. Enjoy the special editions of the popular programs “5 kopiyok”, “Maidan”, “Press conferences on air”, “The new time”, “Kiev time”, “Big politics”, “Press overview”, and a dedicated project “Teledebates” created for your first-hand impression about the most popular politicians and their principles. (http://www.jumptv.com/en/channel/tv5 (external link))
Inter+ is the license-cleared version of the leading Ukrainian TV channel. Inter+ is mainly oriented at ethnic Ukrainians, working abroad citizens of our country, former Ukrainian and CIS citizens and everybody wishing to find out more about modern independent Ukraine. Watch the news programs “Перехрестя”, “Подробиці”, and the analytical talk show “Свобода Савіка Шустера” with the mentioned presenter (Savik Shuster), well known for his full-of-tension political talk shows - and you will be updated on parliamentary elections 2007 process in Ukraine. (http://www.jumptv.com/en/channel/inter (external link))
1+1 International is a Ukrainian-language TV channel for people from Ukrainian diasporas in the USA, Canada, Israel and all compatriots abroad. The base of the broadcasting network are formed from TV News Service (TSN) and the best programs of "1+1" production: cultural projects, talk shows, author’s programs, documentary films, feature and documentary sketches, sport & entertainment programs, popular TV series produced by "1+1" and, of course, one of the main points of attention now is coverage of the early parliamentary elections in Ukraine. Such programs as “The most important” and “As a matter o fact” will keep you well informed. (http://www.jumptv.com/en/channel/11 (external link))

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