Help for the evacuees from Pathways Japan

We welcome all Ukrainian parents with children, who has found or looking for shelter in Japan.

One of the goals of NPO Kraiany is to help to adapt to new life conditions in Japan during this difficult time.

Japanese fund Pathways Japan started with developing programs to work with Ukrainian youth, who are seeking shelter in Japan. You can find information about work of the fund at this page

Our community NPO Kraiany is happy to join the development and support of educational programs. For enquiry regarding these programs, please contact directly in Pathways Japan fund (in Japanese or English) or through Kraiany (Ukrainian).

If you need information regarding Japanese education system, or regrading learning of Japanese language by school and/or university students, you can enquire us. We will provide online consultations by appointment. To apply for the consultation, please fill in the form below:

Apply for the consultaion

For all Ukrainians and Japanese in Japan! If you want to help with the development of the programs, please join us.

Fill the form for providing help

Pathways Japan
NPO “Kraiany”