9th Vyshyvanka Day in Tokyo

On 16th of May, 2021 Ukrainians in Japan as part of a global campaign "Wear Vyshyvanka and support Ukraine" gathered for the 9th time to celebrate this day.

In Tokyo Ukrainan Vyshyvanka Parade is celebrated on 3rd Sunday of May each year since 2013, initiated and organized by the Ukrainian community in Japan "Kraiany" (NPO Kraiany), with the participation of Ukrainian Emmassy to Japan and Mission of Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Tokyo.

During the past years this event became one of the most attended event presenting Ukrainian clture in Japan and created a platform for communication and establishing links between Ukrainians and Japanese, who are eager to learn about Ukraine. This year situation with coronavirus COVID-19 prevented from holding traitional Vyshyvanks march on the streets of Japanes capital Tokyo. It was decided to hold Vyshyvanka Day instead as an open-air event with compliance with all requirements of sicial distansing and individual protection.

Parricaipated in the event Ukrainian citizens, Japanese friends and people from other countries. There was also present representative of the Mayor of City of Yokohama.

One of the points of the event's program was a competition for the best Vyshyvanka with a prizes. There was built an improvides stage, where competitors in crateive and humoruos manner presented their outfits.

Ukrainan folk dances, singing of Ukrainian songs, quiz with a homework – all of this left an unique impression for the paricipants of the event.

"It's not the first time I am participating in the Vyshyvanka Parade. It took me 2 and half hour to drive here. This is always exciting. These events are necessity for Japanes. Every such an event is a great opportunity to learn something new about Ukraine and Ukrainians" – said one of the attenders, while giving an interview to students of the Ukrainian school "Dzherelce".

We do hope that by the next time pandemia situaion will be better and we will return to our usual format of the parade. After all, walking by the streets of Tokyo singing Ukrianin song is a unique feeling.

Press service department of the NPO Kraiany, Ihor Yevtushuk and Oksana Piskunova.