Програми навчання в Японії з повною фінансовою допомогою

Програми навчання в Японії з повною фінансовою допомогою.

Подача документів протягом травня 2022

1️. The University of Tokyo (Tokyo)

  • undergraduate, graduate students
  • free plane ticket to Japan
  • free tuition
  • free dormitories
  • financial support - JPY 80,000 per month Contact: crisis-support.adm@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp Website: https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/focus/en/articles/z1311_00081.html

2. Nagasaki University (Nagasaki)

  • 10 undergraduate, 30 graduate students
  • free plane ticket to Japan
  • free tuition
  • free dormitories
  • financial support - JPY 50,000 per month Contact: ukraine@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp Website: https://www.nagasaki-u.ac.jp/ja/news/nu_ukraine.html

3️. University of Tsukuba (Ibaraki)

  • undergraduate, graduate students
  • free plane ticket to Japan (up to 150,000 yen)
  • free tuition
  • free dormitories
  • financial support - JPY 50,000 per month Contact: isc-somu@un.tsukuba.ac.jp Website: https://ssc.sec.tsukuba.ac.jp/archives/12744

4️. Tohoku University (Miyagi)

  • undergraduate, graduate students
  • free tuition
  • free dormitories
  • financial support Contact: supportoffice@grp.tohoku.ac.jp Website: https://sup.bureau.tohoku.ac.jp/…/en/ukrainesupport.html

5️. Kyoto University of Advanced Science (Kyoto)

  • undergraduate, graduate students
  • free tuition
  • free dormitories
  • financial support Contact: ukr-support@kuas.ac.jp Website: https://www.kuas.ac.jp/news/2022/04/5073

6️. Kyoto University (Kyoto)

  • undergraduate and graduate students from partnering universities - Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, and Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
  • free tuition
  • free dormitories
  • financial support Contact: support_ukraine@mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp Website: https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/news/2022-04-06

7️. Toyo University (Tokyo, Saitama, Gunma)

  • exchange students and researchers from partnering universities - Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, National Aviation University
  • tuition waiver - 1,000,000-1,335,000 yen
  • free plane ticket to Japan - 150,000 yen
  • free dormitories + 2 meals a day
  • financial support - annual living allowance 480,000 yen Contact: ml-sgu@toyo.jp Website: https://www.toyo.ac.jp/en/news/top/20220302pm/

8️. Nagoya University of Foreign Studies (Aichi)

  • undergraduate, graduate students (2 students total)
  • free tuition
  • free dormitories
  • financial support - 60,000yen per month Contact: ukr-support@kuas.ac.jp Website: https://www.kuas.ac.jp/news/2022/04/5073 Бачити менше Коментарі